Tuesday, March 20

I've been so MIA.

My last post was in October. Holy Jesus. I would apologize, but it's not like anyone reads this crap. Well, you gotta start somewhere right? I wanna get back into this and make it happen. I also want to expand this to include other writers-I have a few in mind. More content + good writing = bigger audience. 

So, to kickstart this bastard back to life, in the next few weeks I will be writing entries on the following topics:


  • Street-art's (in)famous hero: Banksy
  • If Pictionary and the "with Friends" apps had a baby: DrawSomething 
  • Ultra Music Festival (Miami) vs. Electric Daisy Carnival (Las Vegas) vs. Electric Zoo (New York)
  • My theory on music production: The Producer's Paradox: trendy + emulating others vs. originality + the underground
  • AC Milan and the current state of affairs at San Siro
    • Serie A
    • UEFA Champions League 
    • Players
  • Fabrice Muamba
    • March Madness - The 2012 NCAA Basketball Tourney
    Let's start there for now. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. March Madness is upon us. Let's get writing.

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